BLFC 2024 has concluded. Thank you to all who attended, and the volunteers/staff who helped make it happen!

BLFC 2025 will be held from Monday, October 13th to Thursday, October 16th, 2025.

Video Gaming


Welcome to Biggest Little Furry Convention’s game room! Here, you can find multiple games to compete and participate in, featuring Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, UNIST, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Street Fighter V, and more!


Video Gaming is located in the Nevada Room on the Spa Level of the Grand Sierra Resort.


Day Hours
Monday 2PM - 12AM
Tuesday 10AM - 2AM
Wednesday 10AM - 2AM
Thursday 10AM - 6PM

Finding Players

Looking for someone to be your player 2? We highly suggest using social media to find or promote a game you would like to play. Using the yearly hashtag + the #BLFCVideoGaming hashtag is a good way to start. Be sure to include how many players you are looking for, what game, and what time you would like to play. Something like:

“Hey skrubs! Looking for someone to play Smash Bros Ultimate. Hammers only, pokemon stadium, timer. #BLFC2024 #BLFCVideoGaming

Tournament Schedule

Date Time Event
Monday (10/14) 2PM - 2AM Mystery Game Tournament Qualifiers
Monday (10/14) 6PM - 10PM DDR Qualifiers
Tuesday (10/15) 12PM - 2AM Mystery Game Tournament Qualifiers
Tuesday (10/15) 12PM - 4PM Street Fighter 6
Tuesday (10/15) 4PM - 8PM Tekken 8
Tuesday (10/15) 8PM - 12AM Dance Rush Stardom
Wednesday (10/16) 12PM - 4PM Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Wednesday (10/16) 2PM - 6PM Guilty Gear Strive
Wednesday (10/16) 4PM - 10PM Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Thursday (10/17) 1PM - 5PM Dance Dance Revolution A20 Plus
Thursday (10/17) 2PM - 9PM Mystery Game Tournament
Thursday (10/17) 6PM - 10PM Puyo Puyo Tetris 2


Game Saru

Arcade provided by Game Saru

Game Saru Logo

Kakure eSports

Retro and Tournament provided by Kakure eSports

Kakure eSports Logo