BLFC 2024 has concluded. Thank you to all who attended, and the volunteers/staff who helped make it happen!

BLFC 2025 will be held from Monday, October 13th to Thursday, October 16th, 2025.

Tabletop Gaming


The tabletop room features a collection of board games available for you to check out and play with friends, along with a variety of events that are hosted by attendees and volunteers. Such events include game tutorials/demos, miniature painting, playing casino games, and even big charity tournaments with special prizes. You’re also free to bring your own board games to play with friends, or even random congoers.

The staff of the wonderful local game store Kobold’s Keep also has one of their signature pop-up shops set up in the tabletop area, so you can purchase new games or accessories right there at-con! They’re also running plenty of game demos and other activities throughout the weekend. Ask staff for more information, or check the con’s Event Schedule to see what’s listed there.


Tabletop Gaming is located in the Nevada Room on the Spa Level of the Grand Sierra Resort, chiefly where Registration was done on Sun/Mon. Tables are available all throughout the room to hang out and play.


Day Hours
Monday Possible small setup in the evening (6PM)
Tuesday 10AM - 2AM
Wednesday 10AM - 2AM
Thursday 10AM - 12AM

Finding Players

Looking for someone to help fill your party or gaming group? We highly suggest using social media to find or promote a game you would like to play. Using the yearly hashtag (eg. #BLFC2024) + the #BLFCTabletop hashtag is a good way to start. Be sure to include how many players you are looking for, what game, and what time you would like to play.

In addition, the board game checkout area has little standies with “Looking For Players” and “Game Demo” signs, to place on your table for people to pass by and look at. Come ask staff to borrow one and use it in addition to your social media posts.


Kobold’s Keep

Kobold's Keep Logo


Card Lords Logo