BLFC 2024 has concluded. Thank you to all who attended, and the volunteers/staff who helped make it happen!

BLFC 2025 will be held from Monday, October 13th to Thursday, October 16th, 2025.

About BLFC

Biggest Little Fur Con is a North American furry convention located in Reno, Nevada.

Our History

The seed of the idea, we came back from Further Confusion, and we were all post-con jazzed up. We knew what we wanted to see at a convention, and while wandering the Grand Sierra Resort, we were struck by the large accommodating hallways, how everything was in one central location and the extra amenities available. We figured, we should do a convention here!

By random chance, we were approached by SnafuCon, an anime convention local to Reno. They wanted to diversify and do a furry thing. They did one here by the name of PawFur which we helped them with.

After PawFur, the anime group wanted to hand it off, because two events in one year is insane for anyone to organize. We took it from there, and that’s how BLFC was born.

BLFC is run by Reno Area Anthropomorphic Arts and Recreation (RAAAR), a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Contact Us

If you have any additional questions or would like clarification, please feel free to contact us.

Contact Us